Vestum's overall target is to create long-term profitable growth by acquiring and developing high-quality companies with good cash flows and strong market positions.

The Board has decided on the following mid-term financial targets:

  • Profit Growth
    • Vestum’s target in the medium term is to generate an average annual growth in EBITA per share of at least 15.0 percent.
  • Profitability
    • Vestum’s target in the medium term is to achieve an EBITA margin of at least 12.0 percent.
  • Capital structure
    • The financial net debt in relation to EBITDA shall be maximum 2.5x.

Vestum's dividend policy is that all profits and available cash flows will be reinvested in the business and/or used for new acquisitions.

Financial reports

Reports, annual reports, webcasts and presentations are available here.

Financial reports

The share

Vestum's shares are listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market.

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